Happy new year - back on line after the Christmas break. Just upgraded the old Anchor to 256 Mb ram and XP pro. Very nice- just the thing for serfing the net and posting on the internet. LANBOSS is now truly a server and connected to the printers. Traveller is a little sick these days, but Ièm looking for a replacement. OR I may use it as a LINIX laptop to play with. But surpirsingly, this old e-machine has been updated by adding RAM, XP and wireless keyboard and mouse. Next a bigger HD, I guess. In the meantime any once need 64Mb of PC100 RAMÉ
The will the Real Cole Cooper please stand up?
A Googley e-mail issue colecoop@gmail.com - cole.cooper@ gmail.com and colecooper@gmail.com O nce upon a time - October 6, 2004 to be exact - I was one of the first users of Google email beta after getting an invite for the Beta. At the time - I had a Hotmail address for Obandrinker@homtail.com, plus a Shaw @ home address. So after a few minutes in the old system, I ended up with my name in gmail as cole.cooper@gmail.com . Using that account, I set up this blog and my Google+ services, and my Google Plus page. And there the fun begins. Back in 2004 there were not many Cole Coopers on the internet. It was a fairly uncommon name. There are a lot more now. There is a football player Cole Cooper on Twitter at @coopball, There is even a Marvel Cole Cooper character at the Daily Bugle. Facebook pages, and a colecooper.com Which is fine - I don't mind, they seem to have the right guy on their email addresses and I'm not va...