Bell in the West This is a trial site I'm evaluating for possible use. Any and all comments from the Bell folks are welcomed. It will be around until mid May and comments can be sent to me at
The will the Real Cole Cooper please stand up?
A Googley e-mail issue - cole.cooper@ and O nce upon a time - October 6, 2004 to be exact - I was one of the first users of Google email beta after getting an invite for the Beta. At the time - I had a Hotmail address for, plus a Shaw @ home address. So after a few minutes in the old system, I ended up with my name in gmail as . Using that account, I set up this blog and my Google+ services, and my Google Plus page. And there the fun begins. Back in 2004 there were not many Cole Coopers on the internet. It was a fairly uncommon name. There are a lot more now. There is a football player Cole Cooper on Twitter at @coopball, There is even a Marvel Cole Cooper character at the Daily Bugle. Facebook pages, and a Which is fine - I don't mind, they seem to have the right guy on their email addresses and I'm not va...