First test of art and photos being added to my web log - so now in addition to my comments - I can have pictures worth a thousand words.
I'm beginning with a mixed media sketch I made on the PC. Of course - it's done in PSP 8 - and starts with a scan of one of my pencil sketches. It's posted using HELLO! which is integrated into the picasa software - both of which are free and use the blogspot software to publish to the Internet. This little thing looks like fun - and a great place to post photos for an on-line gallery. So I'll link to my web page at "Coopers Place" and see if more traffic comes up.
As well, any comments you may have can be sent to my new e-mail address of - all thoughts and feedback welcome
I'm beginning with a mixed media sketch I made on the PC. Of course - it's done in PSP 8 - and starts with a scan of one of my pencil sketches. It's posted using HELLO! which is integrated into the picasa software - both of which are free and use the blogspot software to publish to the Internet. This little thing looks like fun - and a great place to post photos for an on-line gallery. So I'll link to my web page at "Coopers Place" and see if more traffic comes up.
As well, any comments you may have can be sent to my new e-mail address of - all thoughts and feedback welcome