Eject! Eject! Eject!: SANCTUARY (part 1): "Seeing Janeane Garofolo in the flesh induces a sort of slack-jawed awe. One must go back all the way to Vanilla Ice to witness so much attitude in front of so little talent."

Alas, this blog brings to mind a evening - long ago now in Vancouver where a mutual friend arranged an evening out with friends and the above mentioned comedienne. Not yet having made it to the upper rungs of celebritydom - but merely a comic trying to make a living in the comedy clubs doing a male-bashing profanity-laced routine and trying to get laid - I found her nutty and attractive. I never thought of her as untalented, just trying to get by like the rest of us proles. I see that moving up the stardom zuggerat has turned her into a strident Hanoi Jane mini-me - which is a pity. Sitting drinking with her, and seeing the omnipresent burning butt - I kept thinking she could be my generation's Dorothy Parker - but I guess not. Judging from her recent thoughts - she moved from Dorothy Parker to Jane Fonda for the Iraq war. It's too bad - I've always been of the opinion that the more one looks at the world, the more wisdom they acquire. It's a disappointment to see a person looking at the world and dulling the sharp, critical mind they once had. Perhaps it is an effect of too much Los Angeles.


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