Origami? - A new toy?

UPDATE - the website for this is http://www.origamiproject.com/1/ - I didn't think to add it to my note from yesterday

A stealth video on a possible new Microsoft device - code named Origami.

It's an interesting video - showing folks using a small tablet-like unit to send e-mail - photos, etc. over a wireless connection. It's really an extension of the current technolgies - once they are all organised. Sort of a dream situtation. The video is very simular to one I saw back in the 1990's when Apple was prognosticating about the future of Intergrated Services Digital Networks (ISDN) - their thought was a on-line all the time connected device could do all this. Now with them trying to build a video Ipod - which might be premiered tommorrow at the Mac show - this could be a little underground marketing by Microsoft to test the waters for a version of Vista that will run on a small portable platform.

Myself, I hope it is. I've always liked the Tablet PC concept - but the hardware guys can't seem to build every thing I'd like in the machine with out going over $2,000 (CDN). If nothing else - there is a bit of a buzz building in Internet Space. Who knows - maybe Microsoft is doing some Viral Marketing.


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