Origami Project Blog

Well, the announcements are out about the Origami project. It is, as suspected a come-on for a new hand held PCs available from various manufacturers. Now, I suppose that they have a interesting goal:

Origami is a code name for a small project with big plans. Our team wants to make Ultra-Mobile PCs(emphasis mine) a device you won't leave home without, but we need your help. Own a UMPC? Tell us what you like and dislike about it. Don't own a UMPC, but have ideas about the perfect go-everywhere device? Let us know what you think. The Origami Project team wants to share our knowledge about UMPCs and the Microsoft Touch Pack, but more importantly, we want to hear what you have to say.
(RANT ON) But, I'm hoping there will be a machine meeting my specs, Specifically,
  • 7" Screen
  • 802.11 - Wi-Fi
  • Windows XP Tablet edition
  • A nice version of Office
  • EVDO data
  • Bluetooth for Wireless headset and headphones
  • VoIP on Wi-Fi
  • USB ports for connecting input and output devices - like a nice keyboard
  • A GOOD implementation of the Windows Media player to allow streaming
  • Priced no more that $800 (CDN)

And most importantly - Available in CANADA in less than two years. I am so tired of hearing about the neatest, latest piece of technology and having some stereo salesman tell me that we "won't be getting it for about six months" - and after that six months - there's maybe two units sold - so they discontinue it because the newest toy is just been announced. (RANT OFF)


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