Where I spent my Saturday

So as you can tell, I spent an interesting Saturday doing Walk-about Patrol at the Calgary 2008 Beefest. The lovely lady on my arm is Faith Lee - this month's Photo Booth Girl from VEX magazine. As well, she is also a server over at Koko's Sports and Bikini Bar here in Calgary - which I do admit is my regular hang out.
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I'm also a regular for the Sizzler on Saturday night - an 6 or 8 oz New York Steak served sizzling on a cast iron cow plate and done to perfection. Served with your choice of sides, Fries, Rice, or Caeser and Green Salad - it's a hit when served with a large Pint of your favourite Brew. Or Toi's specialty - the best Wor Won Ton soup in the city. My custom preference is extra pork and hold the shrimp.

Koko's Restaurant and Sports Bar in Calgary


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