Stentor Christmas Lunch 2008

The e-vite has gone out – but I’m posting here for those folks who’s e-mails I’ve not been able to find.

Donegal Irish Pub
1637 - 37th Street SW, Calgary, AB

Friday, November 28, 11:45am

A little different lunch this year.  Rather than the usual Chinese Buffet - we're having an Irish style wake and reunion at Donegal Irish Pub.  More details on Donegal can be found at

November 28 is a special day - it's ten years to the day of the announcement of the Stentor wind down - so this makes this the 10th Annual Post Stentor Christmas Lunch. Or if you count the lunches at Stentor - the 16th Annual Lunch.  Either way come along or send this invite to any Stentor Alumni you have the e-mail address for - or check out the invite at my Cole's Notes web site at

Hope to see you there - especially if Clint comes dressed as a leprechaun.


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