I don’t think he’s quite got it right…

Today’s User Friendly strip is sort of funny.

Strip for Jan 13, 2009

From what I’ve seen the REAL JOURNALISTS haven’t done carefully researched articles, in-depth investigations or hard questions for elected leaders for quite a while.  Now Iliad may be trying to be satirical, but I think Kate at SDA said it in the best article on Journalism and the internet I've seen in a long time.

Or, Maybe The Audience Is Simply Smarter Than You Are

….The problems besetting journalism today aren't just the consequence of the liberal left's lopsided representation within their ranks - it's that there seems to be a fundamental inability to understand that on any given topic, someone is likely to get something wrong.

The internet didn't just connect politically like-minded people whose views are under-served. It connected the highly trained and knowledgeable across geographic regions and fields of expertise, enabling them to compare notes and realize "it's not just us". That by and large, journalism is perhaps the only profession where the utterly unqualified are given the privilege of writing to a mass audience on topics that they really not ought to (emphasis mine) …..

Cole’s Note – these are Kate’s thoughts on this article below from a website called PRESSThink. Which is published at NYU by Jay Rosen. The link to the article is below:

Audience Atomization Overcome: Why the Internet Weakens the Authority of the Press.

Kate at SDA has always been on my reader list – and I’m adding PRESSThink to the list this morning. 


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