A Golden Hawk Visits Calgary

Took a bit of a break today to have a visit with Hawk One – a North American CF-86 visiting in town.  It was on Static display at the Art Smith Aerocentre at the International Airport as part of it’s tour though Alberta.  It’s touring is part of the Centennial Heritage Flight, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first flight of the Silver Dart, the first powered heavier-than-air flight in Canada.


Hawk One is a  restoration of a RCAF CF-86 Mark V model built in 1954 by Canadair, and was appearing in support of the NATO Veterans Association. It was modified with a Mark VI wing and larger engine to give the look and performance of the later model. It will be appearing around Alberta in July and moving on to BC and Saskatchewan in August and is also accompanied by a Canadian CF-18 Hornet, with the best paint job I’ve seen on an aircraft in a long time for the Centennial Heritage Flight.

IMG_0350 Both aircraft are on their way to the Airdrie Air show – which is on July 22nd.  Included in the static displays were a quarter scale model of the original Silver Dart, and a Harvard Trainer from the second world war.

On the Tarmac at the Art Smith Aerocentre in Calgary,Alberta Canada. A CF-18 in the livery for the Centennial Heritage Flight (Escadrille Du Patrimoine du Centenaire) prepares to leave.


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