Going Google+

I have been updating some materials and moving things over to Google +, after I got a invite.  I really like the new system and will be heading over there. 

google  inviteIf you would like an invite – The QR code on is on page – just scan with your QR code and Bob’s your uncle.  Or of course, just click on this link: https://plus.google.com/_/notifications/ngemlink?path=%2F%3Fgpinv%3DgvFnBD5h9gc%3ATX1FdPOgYhY  - which is really silly. 

However, one of the new services is goog.il URL Shortener – which  will make it: goo.gl/CEY1u, so if you don’t like the long one – click there.

Or even e-mail me through the site and if I have any invites left – I’ll forward them on.  If you want to add me to your circles – just use cole.cooper@gmail.com


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