2018 The year of getting back to work.

Lost in Translation
So, there I was cleaning up my computers and organising my office, when I had a chance to look at my Cole's Notes blog postings.  There where five in draft form, and the last time I had published was September of 2016!  Wow, I hadn't realised how much time had passed since I'd last posted there.

Then I started to remember what had been going on for the last year.  At the end of 2016, frustrated with credit cards, and too much debt, I decided to cash out from my studio and find something to retire to.  Well, I did sell my house and studio, and moved into a house sitting situation, and picked up two part-time jobs.  At the same time, shutting down the library and studio meant that I didn't have much in the way of computer resources to keep up my writing and photography, so my editing work has been mainly on Facebook and Twitter, monitoring Social Media.

I've been using the iPad for email and and twittering - but the keyboards are terrible, and trying to do Blog entries on them is an exercise in frustration.  Finally, around Christmas this year, I got my computers set up and my laptop back online, and updated to current software to be able to get back to blogging again.

In addition, I've found my voice again - this last year I've seen a lot of change in my life, and there is going to be more as I am looking for an encore career.  The last two years, I've been trying to retire - but I find I don't have the personality for it.  I'm not a workaholic, but I do need to be doing something useful.  To me, retirement was never an option I seriously considered.  Looking back on my career, I was always doing something intresting that made it good to get up in the morning and head in to work.

It's time to find that again.


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