What happened to Cole's Notes?

Cole's Notes is now Cooper's Place.

The old G+ Page

With the new year, there I have been contemplating changes I want to make.  Technology is always changing and so are my social media responsibilities.  As well, I've been neglecting my multiple blogs and social media (Facebook Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, et al).  With G+ closing down and Facebook being a major PITA these days - I decided to update my long-neglected Blog of Cole's Notes and decided to roll all my writing to this one location temporarily.

The original
So for the next little while - I'll be turning up links and stuff and adding content to this location to keep the colecoop.blogspot.com URL active - and keep all the old postings in an archive.  so if you're following and subscribing - keep using this URL for the time being.

So what is Cooper's Place?

The artwork that heads up this blog is a pencil drawing done by my cousin Diane of the first Cooper's place, done in 1983, showing what the station was like in 1957 when it was converted to a Shell station.  It was a service station owned by my Uncle Martin that originally was a White Rose service station in Edmonton that opened in the 1940s after the second world war when he returned from the RCAF.  Martin was the oldest of five brothers, and my father John was one brother who ran a seismic company Cooper Brothers Drilling from 1946 to the mid-sixties. which at various times employed my uncle's Randy, Peter, and George plus numerous family members as they started on their careers.  As kids, Cooper's place was the center of family enterprises and a favourite place to hang out.  It was a unique business that had one of the first convenience store connected to a service station and garage.  Aunt Kaye - ran the store and Uncle Martin was the mechanic in the garage, and family members helped out as they could.  It was a grease monkey's heaven.

Why the name change?

Google result for seaching on Cole's Notes
Searching for me
I used to use Cole's Notes as a tag when I commented on files and such and the original column and newsletter I put out when I was working in Telecom back in 1981.  I worked in sales and contributed articles and notes to the Alberta Calls internal newsletter.  At that time, I had a background in Photojournalism and News reporting, from my days at school. As a side gig - in 1992 - when I got my first Gmail account outside of TELUS - I started a blog - called Cole's Notes right here on Blogger - and I've been using it since then for random writing and learning how such blogs are created and done.  In the interval, I've created various websites, blogs and such for clients, companies, and interests I work for and help monitor social media for many of them.   The name was really just laziness, I was working on so many other sites, I just never got around to picking a new name for this blog.  Since COLES NOTES (without the apostrophe) is a trademark belonging to Coles Books - it becomes a Google hassle looking for me.

So I'll be contributing here when I can on various topics and such - plus updating the blog to some of the interests I have and making this journey of life.  It will be semi-under construction for a while as I get my other locations sorted out and get the links sorted.



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