Cleaning up the Garden

I've been a little to busy to look after things.  Now they've gone to seed.

Getting a Friday done

I've always worked by using the GTD Processes - (Getting Things Done)  It's been good for me to get organized, but it is like LinkedIn, in that it is like a garden.  If you don't use it regularly, it becomes overgrown.  When I was working in a regular 9 to 5 job, I'd always schedule a time to keep my Linkedin Contacts and update my lists on GTD. Also, it was also the time to do backups and write articles for Cole's Notes (My old Blog - now called Cooper's Place), run backups, and update my technologies (cellphone, iPad, et al.).  What I've noticed since I moved away from working in an office - I've let my GTD discipline lax and the Linkedin - although still useful is still in free mode.

It's not an excuse - but driving for Discount means that I don't spend any time on a computer these days.  Rather, I'm just using messenger and the cellphone to connect with folks, when I'm sitting in a coffee shop or deadheading in the chase vehicle.  Then in the evenings, I veg out with reading on a newsreader - or following Facebook.

The outcome

is that I've not been blogging, so for the next while I will be updating my processes using starting to revamp this Blog, so things should start happening on a regular basis.  I’m going to try and post weekly if I can - so hopefully I’ll get more content going here, now that I’ve got the Blogger working again.


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