Coles Notes: My Cell Phone Woes

Image Credit Microsoft Co-Pilot Designer

Hello, Coles Notes readers! Today, I want to share my recent frustration with my TELUS cellphone. It’s been a rollercoaster ride of fast-busy signals, missed texts, and general communication chaos. Let’s dive in!

The Issue

My cell phone is on strike. Seriously. It’s decided that allowing text messages is so last season. My main number? Well, it’s giving a fast busy signal, as if it’s saying, “Sorry, no room for your texts here!” 🙅‍♂️

Job Hunt Drama

Now, I’ve been applying for jobs left and right. You know how it is—refreshing your inbox, waiting for that magical interview invitation. But guess what? My TELUS service had other plans. It’s been playing hide-and-seek with my messages since the weekend. 📱🔍

The Landline Lifesaver

Desperate times call for desperate measures. So, I dug out my trusty home office landline (yes, those still exist). It’s like a time machine—it takes me back to the pre-texting era. Dialing numbers and hearing actual voices—it’s a wild ride. 📞

Call Me, Maybe?

Here’s the deal: You won’t find me texting on that landline. Nope. But if you need to chat about job opportunities, ring me at 403-295-0044. I promise I won’t ghost you—I’ll be there, old-school style. 📠


TELUS, we need to talk. Consider couples therapy? Until then, Coles Notes readers, keep your phones charged, your landlines handy, and your frustration levels in check. And remember, life’s too short to stress over missed texts. 🤷‍♂️

Best regards,

Coleman Cooper


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