Why I'm switching to Telegram and leaving Facebook behind

A personal decision based on privacy, security, and freedom

Hello, dear readers. I have some important news to share with you today. I have decided to move my online communication and social media presence to Telegram, a messaging app that offers end-to-end encryption, cloud-based storage, and many features that Facebook lacks. I have been using Facebook for a long time but have grown increasingly dissatisfied with its policies, practices, and performance. In this blog post, I will explain why I made this decision and what benefits I expect to gain from it.

Why I'm leaving Facebook

There are many reasons why I'm leaving Facebook, but the main ones are related to privacy, security, and freedom. Let me elaborate on each of them.

·         Privacy: Facebook has a terrible record of respecting its users' privacy. It collects personal data from its users, such as their location, contacts, browsing history, preferences, and more. It also shares this data with third-party advertisers, governments, and other entities, sometimes without the users' consent or knowledge. Facebook has been involved in several scandals and controversies over its privacy violations, such as the Cambridge Analytica case, the WhatsApp policy change, and the recent data breach that exposed the personal information of over 500 million users. I don't want to be part of a platform that treats my data as a commodity and exposes me to potential identity theft, fraud, or surveillance.

·         Security: Facebook has a poor record of protecting its users' security. It has been hacked, breached, and compromised several times, exposing its users' data and accounts to malicious actors. It also has a weak encryption system that allows Facebook to access its users' messages and content, even if they are supposed to be private. Facebook has also been accused of censoring, manipulating, and influencing its users' content and opinions by removing posts, banning accounts, suppressing news, and promoting specific agendas. I don't want to be part of a platform that risks my security and interferes with my freedom of expression.

·         Freedom: Facebook has a restrictive and arbitrary set of rules and regulations that limit its users' freedom. It imposes many limitations on what its users can say, do, and share on its platform, such as banning specific topics, words, images, and links. It also has biased and inconsistent enforcement of its rules, often favouring certain groups, individuals, or interests over others. Facebook has also been known to cooperate with authoritarian regimes and oppressive governments, such as by blocking access, removing content, or handing over data. I don't want to be part of a platform that curtails my freedom and violates my human rights.

Why I'm switching to Telegram

There are many alternatives to Facebook, but I have chosen Telegram as my preferred platform for online communication and social media. Telegram is a messaging app that offers a lot of advantages over Facebook, such as:

·         Privacy: Telegram respects its users' privacy and does not collect or share any personal data from its users. It uses end-to-end encryption for all its messages and calls, meaning only the sender and the receiver can access them, not Telegram. It also allows its users to create secret chats, self-destructing messages, and anonymous accounts, giving them more control and options over their privacy.

·         Security: Telegram protects its users' security and does not expose them to threats or risks. It uses a secure and robust encryption system that prevents hacking, interception, or tampering with its messages and calls. It also has a cloud-based storage system that allows its users to access their data from any device without losing any information or quality. It also has a built-in anti-virus and anti-spam system that filters out malicious or unwanted content.

·         Freedom: Telegram supports its users' freedom and does not impose any restrictions or limitations on them. Its users can say, do, and share whatever they want on its platform without censorship, manipulation, or interference. It also has many features and functions that enhance its users' freedom, such as by allowing them to create groups, channels, bots, stickers, polls, quizzes, and more. It also has a decentralized and independent structure that prevents external pressure or influence from governments, corporations, or other entities.

Going forward

Over the next while, I'll post more on here and less on Facebook.  Of course, I will also crosspost to X to annoy the progressives. In conclusion, I have decided to switch to Telegram and leave Facebook behind because I value my privacy, security, and freedom more than anything else. Telegram is a better platform for online communication and social media, and I invite you to join me there. You can find me on Telegram by searching for my username @SundayJournalist. I hope to see you there soon, and I thank you for your support and loyalty. Until next time, stay safe and happy.



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