Merry Christmas to All

Hi there - it's been a busy year and I have been working and keeping out of mischief (sort of).  In July, I started working part-time as a Staff Interpreter at Heritage Park in Gasoline Alley. And I have been working on a couple of more projects - such as my Blog Cole's Notes - and View from the Plateau doing photography, web work, and doing some work on various other things.  For example, I was a volunteer at Calgary Beer fest again, and have been doing some work on the  Strathmore Standard newspaper at Heritage Park.  That was the summer, and now I'm at Gasoline Alley for Christmas.

Plus this is the year I got into Twitter, Facebook and Friendfeed, which have been interesting and helping me make new friends and contacts.  One of the new projects I have been doing is a calendar for 2010, which I usually publish and sell.  Not this year,the time ran out before I could get a decent set of photos for a calendar. Well, maybe next year.

As well, I have been moving into the cloud as well.  Now my mail is on Gmail and Shaw so my old address is still good - but now you can also reach me through and - so my old addresses still work and all will get through to me.

Everyone is well here.  Stella the Cat is frisky as usual - and Mum is resting comfortably at her place in the Harbours of Newport.  We all will be having a quiet Christmas this year, and taking easy - looking forward to a great 2010.

So I hope this letter finds you all well and I hoe you have a happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Merry Christmas



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